Cathy Worthington ’73

Posted On - May 22, 2015

My Alumni Scholarship meant that I could get into the theater department. I had applied to UCLA late because in those days you could only apply to one campus, and my application was at UC Riverside so that I could live at home. My parents said I couldn't go to UCLA unless I got a scholarship, so I said I would and I changed the application to UCLA. The theater department was full, but because my scholarship interview went well and I was awarded the scholarship, the Alumni Association went to bat for me and got me an interview with the head of the theater department. He must have liked me and taken me seriously, because he let me in right there and then. Without the Alumni Scholarship, I would not have had the chance to attend UCLA. So for me it was a life-changing event.

I loved all my classes. I enjoyed the freedom of the college experience and being able to choose among so many subjects. I had so many outside-the-major classes that I was able to sample the many offerings at UCLA. I also loved the exciting events that were constantly available on campus at Royce and Pauley, and I never missed a football game. One of the most important things I experienced was singing in the University Chorus with Donn Weiss every quarter and performing in Royce Hall. Of course, doing plays in the theater department was wonderful because I had chosen to be an actress.

Many opportunities opened up to me in my professional life. By singing in the chorus, I was in the right place at the right time to sing in a professional recording session that enabled me to join AFTRA, which then later led to SAG. I was training for my profession all the while I was there. As a student, I was part of a professional singing group and did my first two films outside of school and still graduated on time.

I’ve been a life member of the Alumni Association since I left school and have been in Chancellor's Associates since the late 1970s; both are direct results of being helped by philanthropy as a student. I will do more throughout my life if I can.

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